• Steve Muckle's avatar
    init: apply SCHED_FIFO to kthreadd · 90b392ea
    Steve Muckle authored
    Hotplug (cpu_up) latency currently suffers because the system
    must wait for kthreadd to spawn certain kthreads (such as the
    migration and workqueue kthreads) and for them to run for
    the first time. Setting SCHED_FIFO will cause kthreadd to run
    immediately. The newly created kthreads will inherit the scheduler
    policy and run immediately also.
    The scheduling policy of newly created kthreads is already set
    back to SCHED_NORMAL in kthread_create_on_node, so nothing needs
    to be done to restore normal scheduling behavior for the kthreads
    once spawned.
    Change-Id: I236ceb29845cf58ea1ea886fc3210ccaab2dd792
    Signed-off-by: default avatarSteve Muckle <smuckle@codeaurora.org>
    (cherry picked from commit 82440737)
main.c 21.5 KB