Commit 6a5a0b91 authored by Magnus Damm's avatar Magnus Damm Committed by Paul Mundt
Browse files

sh: include empty zero page in romImage

This patch updates the romImage code to include the
empty_zero_page contents from vmlinux. Without this
patch the empty zero page is lef uninitialized.
Signed-off-by: default avatarMagnus Damm <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarPaul Mundt <>
parent 6e8a0d11
......@@ -4,16 +4,22 @@
# create an image suitable for burning to flash from zImage
targets := vmlinux head.o
targets := vmlinux head.o zeropage.bin piggy.o
OBJECTS = $(obj)/head.o
LDFLAGS_vmlinux := --oformat $(ld-bfd) -Ttext 0 -e romstart
LDFLAGS_vmlinux := --oformat $(ld-bfd) -Ttext 0 -e romstart \
-T $(obj)/../../kernel/
$(obj)/vmlinux: $(OBJECTS) $(obj)/piggy.o FORCE
$(call if_changed,ld)
OBJCOPYFLAGS += -j .empty_zero_page
$(obj)/zeropage.bin: vmlinux FORCE
$(call if_changed,objcopy)
LDFLAGS_piggy.o := -r --format binary --oformat $(ld-bfd) -T
$(obj)/piggy.o: $(obj)/vmlinux.scr arch/sh/boot/zImage FORCE
$(obj)/piggy.o: $(obj)/vmlinux.scr $(obj)/zeropage.bin arch/sh/boot/zImage FORCE
$(call if_changed,ld)
......@@ -5,6 +5,44 @@
#include <asm/page.h>
.global romstart
/* include board specific setup code */
#include <mach/romimage.h>
/* copy the empty_zero_page contents to where vmlinux expects it */
mova empty_zero_page_src, r0
mov.l empty_zero_page_dst, r1
mov #(PAGE_SHIFT - 4), r4
mov #1, r3
shld r4, r3 /* r3 = PAGE_SIZE / 16 */
mov.l @r0, r4
mov.l @(4, r0), r5
mov.l @(8, r0), r6
mov.l @(12, r0), r7
add #16,r0
mov.l r4, @r1
mov.l r5, @(4, r1)
mov.l r6, @(8, r1)
mov.l r7, @(12, r1)
dt r3
add #16,r1
bf 1b
/* jump to the zImage entry point located after the zero page data */
mov #PAGE_SHIFT, r4
mov #1, r1
shld r4, r1
mova empty_zero_page_src, r0
add r1, r0
jmp @r0
.align 2
.long _text
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