Commit 06ce948e authored by Devin Kim's avatar Devin Kim Committed by Iliyan Malchev
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mako: temoprarily blocked mdp error message

blocked until enabling LCD. if not, too much errors in console

Change-Id: I38bc1bec4559f9d4d830d8f6e024cb5a121abf35
parent ea89be92
......@@ -3452,6 +3452,14 @@ static struct msm_iommu_ctx msm_iommu_split_ctx_names[] = {
static int mdp_iommu_fault_handler(struct iommu_domain *domain,
struct device *dev, unsigned long iova, int flags)
/* FIXME: temporarily blocked until enabling LCD */
/* pr_err("MDP IOMMU page fault: iova 0x%lx", iova); */
return 0;
void mdp4_iommu_attach(void)
static int done;
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